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輮 (róu) - 使弯曲;古代车轮的外周部分。 - To bend; the outer part of an ancient cart wheel.
鞣 (róu) - 把兽皮弄柔软;一种制革方法。 - To soften leather; a tanning method.
糅 (róu) - 混杂,掺杂。 - To mix, to blend.
Rou (róu) - 人名用字。 - Used in personal names.
鰇 (róu) - 似鳟的鱼。 - A trout-like fish.
葇 (róu) - 古代指草席或草垫子。 - Anciently referred to grass mats or cushions.
蹂 (róu) - 践踏,踩踏。 - To trample, to tread on.
柔 (róu) - 软,不硬;温和,不 강烈;使软,使屈服。 - Soft, not hard; gentle, not harsh; to soften, to yield. - Soft, gentle.
肉 (ròu) - 人和动物的肌肉;果实或植物可食用的部分;指生活,生命。 - Flesh of humans or animals; the edible part of fruits or plants; refers to life, existence. - Meat, flesh.
宍 (ròu) - 古同“肉”。 - Anciently same as "肉". - Meat, flesh (archaic).
煣 (róu) - 煮烂;使弯曲。 - To cook until tender; to bend.
騥 (róu) - 良马名。 - Name of a fine horse.
韖 (róu) - 古同“鞣”。 - Anciently same as "鞣". - To tan (archaic).
ēr (ēr) - 无实际意义,语气词。 - No actual meaning, an interjection.
儿 (ér) - 儿子;年轻人;小孩; 雌性的鸟兽的卵或幼仔;语气助词,表示轻柔的语气;后缀,无实际意义。 - Son; young person; child; eggs or young of female birds and animals; auxiliary word expressing gentle tone; suffix without actual meaning. - Son, child.
而 (ér) - 连词,表示并列、转折、顺承、递进等关系;语气词,表示肯定或加强语气。 - Conjunction, indicating parallel, turning, sequential, progressive and other relationships; auxiliary word, indicating affirmation or strengthening tone. - And, but, moreover.
佴 (èr) - 副。 - Assistant.
尔 (ěr) - 你;如此,这样;语气词,表示肯定或加强语气。 - You; so, thus; auxiliary word indicating affirmation or strengthening tone. - You, thus, so.
迩 (ěr) - 近,接近。 - Near, close to. - Near.
耳 (ěr) - 听觉器官;形状像耳朵的东西;器物两旁附着的手柄。 - Organ of hearing; something shaped like an ear; handles attached to both sides of utensils. - Ear.